Reasons Why you Need an Experienced Elder Law Attorney

Gregory Port, M.B.A., J.D. Elder Law • July 23, 2021
Have you heard of elder law? While most attorneys are defined by a specific area of the law in which they practice, elder law attorneys practice across areas of law as they strive to meet the unique legal needs and challenges that we face as we age. Elder law attorneys focus on the specific needs of aging adults, including:
  1. Power of attorney and other important legal documents
  2. Long-term care planning and asset protection
  3. Medicare and Medicaid planning
  4. Veterans’ benefits
  5. Estate planning
  6. Disability planning
  7. Elder abuse
There are a number of reasons why you should get in touch with an experienced elder law attorney. For instance, if you or a loved one need assistance selecting the right Medicare coverage. Medicare coverage options can be difficult to untangle. Getting elder law counsel to help you select the strongest and most suitable coverage for your unique needs can be important.

While Medicare and Medicaid may have similar sounding names, these two government health care programs are quite different. For instance, while Medicare will only pay for a limited number of days in a nursing home facility, Medicaid will cover extended stays indefinitely for those who qualify for Medicaid benefits. While some individuals mistakenly believe that you have to spend down all of your assets to qualify for Medicaid, there are other planning options available. The earlier you plan, the more options you may have. An elder law attorney can help you plan for Medicaid coverage so that the costs of long-term care will be covered when the need arises.

Additionally, elder law attorneys commonly provide a wide range of estate planning options. It can be important to update and maintain your plan over the long term to ensure that it accurately reflects your wishes. An experienced elder law attorney can also help you make important long-term care decisions. It can be important to make key decisions about your care before health complications arise. An elder law attorney can help you ensure that the people you trust will be the ones making decisions on your behalf, and can ensure that your wishes are documented to guide them.

Our firm is proud to serve clients needing elder law assistance. Please contact us today to schedule an appointment.  
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